Connecting through shared memories

We don’t often take the time to tell others how important they are to us. Writing eulogies is when we convey (and sadly, sometimes actually realize) what an impact someone had on us. How much more gratifying would it be to share with those we love how thankful we are for the role they’ve played in our lives while they are here to hear these sentiments?

And for those who are no longer with us, it can be satisfying to the soul to remember them—their unique qualities, the essence of what made them special, and to recall stories that we pass on to future generations. In reminiscing with others about them, we may possibly even discover something new.

My goal in creating this site is to hold me accountable to capture memories of my own cherished people and share how much they mean to me, while helping others do the same. While this has felt overwhelming (where to start?!?), I hope to break it into topics with a few questions to initiate conversations. My wish is that this evolves into a community of like-minded folks who can connect to share resources, ideas, and inspiration.